Choose your Walk
If you would like a walk for a group on a day and at a time of your choosing this is easily arranged.
Summer evening walks are a particular delight when the workers have gone home, the traffic has died down and you have the City to yourselves.
Especially suitable for groups who work in the City and are looking for an unusual diversion.
Our special walks include: The Hill Garden at Hampstead, the Olympic Park, Gardens of the Embankment and The Barbican.
The Cost
The charge is £15 per person, and there is a minimum charge of £150 regardless of how few turn up. If a second guide is needed the same rates apply.
How to Arrange Your Walk
To arrange a group walk please email:
If you have been on one of our walks we’d love to receive your feedback.
More images from the gardens on our walks can be seen on the Picture Gallery.